Verifying someone’s military status

An individual’s status as an active or inactive service member determines if they’re eligible for the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). Using the Defense Manpower Data Center’s Military Verification service is an effective method to confirm the military background of an individual. The good news is that the service is available online on the DMDC website. Using the online service, you can search for an individual’s military status by entering the Social Security Number or other personal information of the person. The website will tell you that the individual is in the military or that there is no information available in their database, which means the person is not an active military.

How to check if someone is active military?

If a petitioner in a court of law conducts military verifications to authenticate if the person involved in a case is currently in the military, the court must ensure that the verification is done per the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. The SCRA provides protection to individuals who are presently serving in the military. That are new pensioners, or call upon to assume military service. The courts resort to the SCRA military search to determine whether the person charded is immune to legal actions. The SCRA is to give protection to service members to serve the nation without worrying about litigation, legal punishments, expulsions, or any other sorts of legal action. The SCRA may demand that the plaintiffs go through a verification process to secure the legal rights of the service members. If awarded a military affidavit, the petitioner may submit it to the judge before a court enters a default judgment. In the testimony, the complainant undertakes that they have checked the defendant’s military status to determine if the person is an active service member. In case the plaintiff is not thorough or executes an oath devoid of performing the necessary verification in accordance with the SCRA, severe penalties chances on them. Moreover, the court can also reject testimonies that mention that the outcomes are not warranted for reasons like the absence of the Social Security number. In a way, this shows how the SCRACVS is your place for everything you need from A to Z when it comes to checking and verifying military status.


It is not difficult to check the military status of someone; however, some conditions have to fulfill, and processes to follow, to complete the verification. You can use this post as a guide to explore the process and know how you can check someone’s military status or apply for the verification. Overall, remember that using forgery or other illegal tricks to hack the military records system can have severe legal repercussions for the offenders.

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