Bankruptcy is a common process in the business world because it often happens when a business can’t afford to repay its debt. However, a business can file bankruptcy even if the debt isn’t their main problem. When filing bankruptcy, it’s best to hire a bankruptcy attorney. The cost to hire one will vary depending on what you need and where you’re located. You can find a $500 bankruptcy attorney and a $3,500 one, you’ll just need to determine what’s important to you. Here’s what you need to know about bankruptcy and bankruptcy attorneys.

What Is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is something that many businesses go through when they can’t afford to pay off their debts. While many people have the misconception that a business is going under when they file bankruptcy, this isn’t always the case. Bankruptcy can be used as a tool by companies that want to restructure themselves. If they think they’re struggling to pay off debts because of their organization, they can file bankruptcy can present a new way to pay debt.

Types of Bankruptcies

There are several types of bankruptcies that a business can file for, each with different purposes. If a business wants to liquidate everything to pay debt, they can do that. If they want to change their services and lay off employees, there’s an option for that. Here are the most common 3 types of bankruptcies:

Chapter 7: Liquidation

Liquidation is the process of selling everything that a business owns. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is filled when a business doesn’t think they have the means to recover. When a business goes this route, their creditors will seize all of their assets and use them to recover their money.

Chapter 11: Business Reorganization

If a business sees a future but is currently struggling with debt, they can file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy allows businesses to change their business strategies and employee structure. Through things like terminating contracts, laying off employees, and introducing new workflow methods, they can start repaying debt. Before a business gets permission to file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they must present their idea to their creditors for approval.

Chapter 13: Adjustment of Debts

Similar to Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 gives businesses the chance to recover. However, it isn’t designed for larger businesses. Instead, people like sole proprietors can file this type of bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a business to change their payment plan to make it easier for them. While a business may end up paying less, they’ll be responsible for reorganizing themselves so they can continue to grow.

What Is a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Now that you have a better understanding of what bankruptcy is, you need to know what a bankruptcy attorney is. These attorneys specialize in bankruptcies, so you won’t be hiring them if you have a problem outside of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy attorneys help businesses decide which type of bankruptcy they should file. They’ll also do a variety of tasks that make the process easier. They can do things like gather documents, meet with creditors, and help a business come up with a reorganization strategy. While you can find a $500 bankruptcy attorney, it’s best to spend more on an attorney because you’ll get better services. If you went with attorneys from a firm like, you can expect to work with an attorney that wants to see the best for you and your company.

How to Find a Bankruptcy Attorney

Finding a bankruptcy attorney doesn’t take long, but finding a reputable one can take some time. If you live in an area that doesn’t have many attorneys, you may need to travel to work with one. To start looking for a bankruptcy attorney, you can search for, “Best bankruptcy attorney near me.” If you’d like, you can include your location in the search to get more accurate results.  After searching this, you’ll see a variety of attorney websites and law firms. You’ll then need to go through each website and see what’s offered. If you don’t see anything about bankruptcy, you can close the website and go to the next one. To figure out how much an attorney costs, you’ll need to contact them. They often charge different rates depending on how much assistance you need. However, you can find an attorney that will fit your budget, no matter how much it is.

What to Expect When Hiring an Attorney

When working with an attorney, you can expect them to handle most of the things required for bankruptcy. If you’re on the fence about filing bankruptcy, they can help you determine whether you need to. Many business owners contemplate filing bankruptcy but get help from an attorney and realize they have other options. If your business has another way to repay debts that you haven’t thought of, your bankruptcy attorney will present them. Expect your attorney to work alongside you throughout the entire process. You can contact them whenever you have a question about something and they’ll provide you with answers.

Look for a Bankruptcy Attorney Today

After reading this article, you now know everything you need to know about bankruptcy and attorneys. We encourage anyone that’s struggling to pay their company’s debt to hire a local bankruptcy attorney as soon as possible. Even if you don’t think bankruptcy is the best option for you, a cheap bankruptcy attorney will help you figure out how to recover. Providing that you don’t want too long to hire one, there’s a good chance that your business will bounce back from its financial struggles. Check out our other articles to learn more about bankruptcy and business!

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title: “How Much Does A Bankruptcy Attorney Cost " ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-15” author: “Barbara Zuber”

Bankruptcy is a common process in the business world because it often happens when a business can’t afford to repay its debt. However, a business can file bankruptcy even if the debt isn’t their main problem. When filing bankruptcy, it’s best to hire a bankruptcy attorney. The cost to hire one will vary depending on what you need and where you’re located. You can find a $500 bankruptcy attorney and a $3,500 one, you’ll just need to determine what’s important to you. Here’s what you need to know about bankruptcy and bankruptcy attorneys.

What Is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is something that many businesses go through when they can’t afford to pay off their debts. While many people have the misconception that a business is going under when they file bankruptcy, this isn’t always the case. Bankruptcy can be used as a tool by companies that want to restructure themselves. If they think they’re struggling to pay off debts because of their organization, they can file bankruptcy can present a new way to pay debt.

Types of Bankruptcies

There are several types of bankruptcies that a business can file for, each with different purposes. If a business wants to liquidate everything to pay debt, they can do that. If they want to change their services and lay off employees, there’s an option for that. Here are the most common 3 types of bankruptcies:

Chapter 7: Liquidation

Liquidation is the process of selling everything that a business owns. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is filled when a business doesn’t think they have the means to recover. When a business goes this route, their creditors will seize all of their assets and use them to recover their money.

Chapter 11: Business Reorganization

If a business sees a future but is currently struggling with debt, they can file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy allows businesses to change their business strategies and employee structure. Through things like terminating contracts, laying off employees, and introducing new workflow methods, they can start repaying debt. Before a business gets permission to file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they must present their idea to their creditors for approval.

Chapter 13: Adjustment of Debts

Similar to Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 gives businesses the chance to recover. However, it isn’t designed for larger businesses. Instead, people like sole proprietors can file this type of bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a business to change their payment plan to make it easier for them. While a business may end up paying less, they’ll be responsible for reorganizing themselves so they can continue to grow.

What Is a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Now that you have a better understanding of what bankruptcy is, you need to know what a bankruptcy attorney is. These attorneys specialize in bankruptcies, so you won’t be hiring them if you have a problem outside of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy attorneys help businesses decide which type of bankruptcy they should file. They’ll also do a variety of tasks that make the process easier. They can do things like gather documents, meet with creditors, and help a business come up with a reorganization strategy. While you can find a $500 bankruptcy attorney, it’s best to spend more on an attorney because you’ll get better services. If you went with attorneys from a firm like, you can expect to work with an attorney that wants to see the best for you and your company.

How to Find a Bankruptcy Attorney

Finding a bankruptcy attorney doesn’t take long, but finding a reputable one can take some time. If you live in an area that doesn’t have many attorneys, you may need to travel to work with one. To start looking for a bankruptcy attorney, you can search for, “Best bankruptcy attorney near me.” If you’d like, you can include your location in the search to get more accurate results.  After searching this, you’ll see a variety of attorney websites and law firms. You’ll then need to go through each website and see what’s offered. If you don’t see anything about bankruptcy, you can close the website and go to the next one. To figure out how much an attorney costs, you’ll need to contact them. They often charge different rates depending on how much assistance you need. However, you can find an attorney that will fit your budget, no matter how much it is.

What to Expect When Hiring an Attorney

When working with an attorney, you can expect them to handle most of the things required for bankruptcy. If you’re on the fence about filing bankruptcy, they can help you determine whether you need to. Many business owners contemplate filing bankruptcy but get help from an attorney and realize they have other options. If your business has another way to repay debts that you haven’t thought of, your bankruptcy attorney will present them. Expect your attorney to work alongside you throughout the entire process. You can contact them whenever you have a question about something and they’ll provide you with answers.

Look for a Bankruptcy Attorney Today

After reading this article, you now know everything you need to know about bankruptcy and attorneys. We encourage anyone that’s struggling to pay their company’s debt to hire a local bankruptcy attorney as soon as possible. Even if you don’t think bankruptcy is the best option for you, a cheap bankruptcy attorney will help you figure out how to recover. Providing that you don’t want too long to hire one, there’s a good chance that your business will bounce back from its financial struggles. Check out our other articles to learn more about bankruptcy and business!

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