I was sent this Telegram post that has the video of the rear-display equipped Mustang: The video was shot in Kyiv, Ukraine, and I’m not sure if the Mustang owner’s NSFW license plate is real or not, but clearly someone is having fun with their Mustang, already an unusual choice for Eastern Europe. The text displayed in the LCD heckblende is as follows: I’d also like to point out that the running-horse animation is pretty badass and Ford really should be considering implementing a full LCD heckblende like this, because why not? Fun is fun, right? Even if you’re not using your full gaphical display at the rear of your car to say things about a miserable war, you absolutely could be using it for some fun automotive lighting experiments. Plus, such a setup could offer real safety advantages, like allowing for special displays when an emergency stop is happening, announcing when the car is being partially controlled by a semi-autonomous system, displaying emergency messages, and more. Look, this Ukranian Mustang owner has already done the hard proof-of-concept work! Maybe it’s time to consider display-taillight systems? I get that various regulations would need to be changed, but carmakers have been playing with external vehicle displays for years. In fact, the general concept of a rear-mounted communication display goes back even further, such as this painfully misogynistic version from way back in 1951:
Yikes. I don’t think I need to say that no one here at The Autopian can defend that, but it was the earliest obvious example of a rear-mounted external display screen concept I could find, so, you know, sorry about that. Anyway, get the hell out of Ukraine, Russia. Sorry, but Looney Tunes as well as Merrie Melodies are Warner Brothers based, you would not see an MGM-based cartoon in them. Don’t go watch the whole cartoon. There’s far worse than the garage and blinker jokes in it. Looking at you, retractable bench seat. I’ve wanted to do a laser light show display on my back window for along time. I’ve never had the EE chops to pull it off though. Anybody want to collab? https://testdrivejunkie.com/1987-ford-hfx-ghia-aerostar-concept-car/ https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52472774190_d011b247fc_b.jpg https://youtu.be/wJoU6Vbf-_o Anyway, I’m extremely here for a “GTFO Russia”-themed slab, too. Do I want my car to display a message to the driver behind? Maybe not, I think it would end badly. Where can I get this?!?! I can’t believe home many people drive with no lights on, or just the DRLs. I thought about ways you could send a new message to it while moving, bluetooth maybe? That starts to get above what I’m comfortable with, though.